Nursing Home Defense


There are an increasing number of plaintiff’s firms devoting their practice to suing nursing homes under nursing home negligence statutes. This has created a niche for healthcare defense litigation.  Most states have enacted a statutory frame work allowing plaintiff’s attorneys to bring actions for injuries and incidents which had previously fallen under medical malpractice or negligence laws.  These statutes have greater avenues of recovery, but with much lower burdens of proof and the potential for higher damages, including punitives and attorneys’ fees.

McHenry & Horan’s extensive experience in defending traditional medical malpractice claims naturally lends to defending nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. This background provides the ability to analyze and defend the medical issues in nursing home cases, while at the same time we recognize that there are specific areas of concern for a nursing home that differ from those presented in a general negligence and malpractice case.  Not only are we able to provide excellent representation in the legal arena, we assist facilities in identifying potential quality control issues and work with staff to provide information about how to avoid future claims, and ultimately lower costs for the facility.

The Firm currently defends nursing homes and long- term care facilities in claims involving:

  • Pressure ulcers
  • Resident falls
  • Alleged neglect and abuse
  • Nutrition and hydration
  • Medication errors
Here are a list of other practice areas we can help you with:
Harassment LitigationProduct Liability & Personal InjuryAppellate LitigationMotor Vehicle LitigationPremises Liability