Appellate Litigation


In the past, trial lawyers were responsible for handling their own appellate cases. However, today, both attorneys and judges recognize the importance of appellate skills. Thus, appellate litigation has been an increasingly important and distinct area of legal practice. While our trial attorneys handle many of their own appeals, McHenry & Horan has developed a focused practice required to obtain successful appellate results.

The Appeals Case

Two key elements exist in appellate litigation cases: the written brief and the oral argument. The written brief is extremely important because appellate courts generally rely heavily on these documents for clarification of highly technical legal arguments. Appeals courts demand a cogent and persuasive presentation of the facts and essential issues of the case in this written form. A strong oral argument is also vital to appellate litigation success. Usually, the appellate litigator is given less than 20 minutes to make a compelling argument on the pertinent facts of a case to persuade a panel of judges to give a ruling favorable to their client.

Our appellate litigation attorneys possess the skills and talent necessary to obtain the best possible results for our clients, whether that be reversing an unfavorable judgment or protecting one that is favorable. We deliver clear and persuasive brief writing, expertise in oral argumentation, superior research abilities and knowledge of the highly technical rules exclusive to appellate law.
If your business entity is looking for an appellate litigator, take a moment to learn more about us, or call (516) 881-4380.

Here are a list of other practice areas we can help you with:
Harassment LitigationProduct Liability & Personal InjuryAppellate LitigationMotor Vehicle LitigationPremises Liability